Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day Nine

We are a rockin' and a rollin' right now!

We are just about at the California border and the seas are pretty bouncy.  I am getting an excellent ab workout just staying upright at the moment.  The waves themselves aren't that bad, but we have been really complacent about tying things down and therefore random objects keep finding their way around the floor.  On the plus side, I haven't taken any sea sickness meds and feel fine.

I can officially say that I had no stations to collect from today!  We are nearing the end of a 16-hour transit from the Heceta Head transect to the Northern California transect.  Should be there about midnight.

The day wasn't without excitement though!  I woke up this morning to hear that a pod of Pacific white-sided dolphins had swam with the ship earlier this morning, and there were also some humpbacks cited in the distance.  I was very dejected, especially after seeing some of the amazing photos that Claudine had taken.  Never fear though- the crew has picked up on my affinity for marine mammals and in the middle of an afternoon snooze in my chair I was nudged awake by the co-captain who had spotted some humpbacks.  I climbed all the way out on deck, not quite awake yet, and then saw....nothing.  We stood out there for several minute and didn't see a thing.

So I went back inside, and not five minutes later, he comes running in saying that there is dolphins port side.  I actually thought he was joking at first, but we and a couple other folks rushed up to the bridge, and sure enough- I had my first dolphin sighting today!

Pacific white-sided dolphin, Lagenorhyncus obliquidens)
There were about four of them that I could see, racing quite happily along with the ship, swimming in the wake.  I imagine that as a dolphin life can get a bit boring, and a passing vessel is an excuse to try out your best surfing moves.  They stayed with us for almost 15 minutes, sometimes leaping less than 20 feet away.  And boy were they cute!

Not framed very well, but a good demonstration of how close they were- no zoom!

I'd have to say that goes in the books as one of the coolest moments of my life.  It sounds like as we get further south we are going to see more and more, so fingers crossed!

If you look carefully you can see there are two dolphins in the shot.

 I couldn't help but notice how excited everyone was to see these little creatures- even people that have seen hundreds of them before.  And it wasn't only the girls.  I had to laugh because one of the most serious, quiet guys on the cruise saw me coming back and exclaimed, "Dolphins? Why didn't you come get me? You have to tell me these things!".  I wonder what it is that makes marine mammals so special that seems to capture so many people? I don't think I could explain it myself, but there definitely was something wonderful about watching those little guys swim with us today.

Good night,

Weather: Sunny, Warm
Ocean: Bumpy! Calmer in early afternoon.
Menu:  Lunch: Spinach and shiitake stirfry, garlic bread, soup, salad with prawns. 
Dinner: Carmelized baked salmon (yum!) with penne and sundried tomatoes.  Cheesecake and white chocolate/macadamia cookies for dessert.  I *may* have snuck a cookie.

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